The primary and original goal of a mosquito net, or amido in Japanese, is to keep out insects, to protect the interior of the house from undesired outside intruders. As such it is a useful boundary device that complements other similar types, such as the screen or the wall, while still letting in light or air. Yet as the lightest and most transparent of barrier mechanisms, the mosquito net also allows a series of non-intended interactions, emotional as well as physical, ranging from the gentle to the aggressive: allowing the observer to see without being seen, allowing a nasty mosquito to bite without encroaching. Much more than a simple boundary, the mosquito net is a lively interface.
Mosquito Net
Mosquito Net
Miyuki WatanabeShiqiu LiangZexi Wu
Laurent Stalder
Thing of Modernity – Mapping the Micro-geography of Everyday Environments
2019 3Q