Standing on an open space near building 3, this pigeon tower is a new landmark in midorigaoka area and provides a chance to observe animal’s behavior. Through the study of the ecology of pigeon and the typology of pigeon house, a tower is decided for it can protect pigeons from their enemies. From limited materials, plywood is used for the whole tower. The outside skin is a surface structure made by bending and cladding the plywood, which also integrates the entrance of pigeon into it. The basic measurement of one unit and opening is determined by the behavior of plywood and spatial needs of pigeons. The inside wooden boxes act as individual house for the pigeon and help to support the surface structure. The beam on the top follows the spiral tendencies of boxes and thus points diagonally to the boundary of space. Together with the topography, this creates a dynamic relationship between tower and surrounding.
Pigeon Tower

Pigeon Tower
Chaoyen WuHiroo ItoJelmer BuurmaKotchanot TiencinvaraShota IwataWenjing Xie
Nader Tehrani
2015_Architecture for Biodiversity
2015 2Q